Friday 19 June 2015

Moving Image

Sound and Moving Image Research


For this project I was asked to produce a 2 minute video that will show my production process of my final end of year work. Before producing video I will be showing research into techniques, shots and filming styles that will help me understand better how to produce my video. 

A film style is a group of conventions used by filmmakers to add visual appeal, depth and meaning to their work. Each filmmaker develops his own style, but few styles that transcend individuals are: film noir, musicals, surrealism. Film style is different from film genre, which defines what a film is about, for example romantic movies are about love. A style can be applied to any type of genre. 

Camera angles

Eyelevel Angle-
An eyelevel angle is the one in which the camera is placed at the subject’s height, so if the actor is looking at the lens, he wouldn’t have to look up or down. Eyelevel shots are incredibly common because they are neutral. They often have no dramatic power whatsoever, thus they are ideal for romantic comedies and news casting.

Low Angle-
Low angles are captured from a camera placed below the actor’s eyes, looking up at them. Low angles make characters look dominant, aggressive, or ominous.

High Angle-
In a high angle, the camera is above the subject, looking down. This position makes characters look weak, submissive, or frightened.

Birds Eye-
This shows a scene from directly overhead, a very unnatural and strange angle. This shot does, put the audience in a godlike position, looking down on the action. People can be made to look insignificant, ant-like, part of a wider scheme of things.

Camera Shots

An extreme long shot contains a large amount of landscape. It is often used at the beginning of a scene or a film to establish general location (setting). This is also known as an establishing shot.

A long shot contains landscape but gives the viewer a more specific idea of setting. A long shot may show the viewers the building where the action will take place.

A full shot contains a complete view of the characters. From this shot, viewers can take in the costumes of characters and may also help to demonstrate the relationships between characters. 

A mid shot contains the characters or a character from the waist up. From this shot, viewers can see the characters' faces more clearly as well as their interaction with other characters. This is also known as a social shot

A close-up contains just one character's face. This enables viewers to understand the actor's emotions and also allows them to feel empathy for the character. This is also known as a personal shot.

An extreme close-up contains one part of a character's face or other object. This technique is quite common in horror films, particularly the example above. This type of shot creates an intense mood and provides interaction between the audience and the viewer.

Two Shot contains two peoples (or other individuals) together.

Over the Shoulder Shots are shot from behind the person towards their subject. Generally the frame is cut off just behind the ear, although there are several variations. A good technique to use to get this shot is to frame the person facing the subject with about one third of the frame.

Point of View is an effective shot that gives the audience the feel that you’re seeing it from the eyes of the performer. It is taken from near the eye-level of the actor and shows what he might see. It could be used to give the perspective of other animals too like a frog, a bird, or a fish. 


Time-lapse - it is a technique that basically speeds up time by turning a scene that has a slow state-of-change into a video that plays in high speed. This technique is best for capturing the work process as it allows to see the complex progress effectively and quickly.  

Hyper-lapse - this technique brings standard time-lapse to life with camera movement. To achieve it you need to move the camera at the same interval in both space and time.  

Screen capture software - to capture a digital process it is good to use a screen capture software as it allows you to record images and videos of your computer using your web-cam. 


Cutting- replacement of one shot with another 

Invisible editing- referred as a seamless editing that looks is made so smooth that viewers don't notice the individual cuts 

Match Cut - it is a cut between either two different spaces, object or compositions, in which an object in both shots graphically match and that often helps to establish a strong continuity of action

Flash cutting -  fast and short cuts 

Cross cutting - alternates shots of two or more lines of action occurring in different places 


Dissolve - fading out one shot and fading into the next is used to show a change in location or time 

Fade - dissolving to black or from black (or different colour) is used mainly to simulate the passage of time

Defocus - basically blurring the picture, used mainly at the end or the beginning of the scene

Monday 13 April 2015

animation research

For my project I was asked to produce 45 to 50 second imaginative animation that shows any type of emotion. I decided to produce an animation that reflects jealousy. 


It begins innocently. His eyes meet hers, and it seems like love made everything fall into the right place. For a few moments it probably did, but the ballerina dancer is soon to find out that her amazing boyfriend is not so great after all. He becomes extremely jealous over her passion to dance and seeing her dancing causes the growing uncertainty inside him and make him possessive and controlling. He only starts to feel safe and free when she is being imprisoned in his word and separated from her life and dreams. His peace of mind comes with her giving up her freedom and passion. 


Scene 1 

Two birds are flying in each others directions. One of them is a craven that represents male and the other is a swallow-tanager which represent female. The shot is wide.

The birds meet each other in the middle and clash with each other. The screen explodes and the birds transform themselves into humans. The shot is wide. 

Scene 2 

After their transformation the couple starts to dance together. The music starts playing slowly. The shots are changing from medium to wide (may close-ups as well). 

Scene 3

The girl let go of they guy hands and she forgets herself in the music. She dances, spins around and jumps. The shots and angles are going to change through out her dance. 

Scene 4

The guy sees how passionate she is about dance and how free she feels. That makes him really angry and insane and causes him being closed in a cage. 

Scene 5 

He realise that to escape from his cage he needs to imprison his girlfriend because he believes this is the only way he can feel better and the only way to keep her next to him.

Scene 6

He slowly bits by bits takes her ability to dance freely and persuade her dream. At the end of it she is sitting in a cage and is devoid of dreams, only because her boyfriend’s possessiveness. 

Examples of the animations

An emotional and sensual animation created with the use of simply sketched dance routine of a figure skating champion Yu-Na and the amazing contemporary music. 

Here is also an example of simply animated dance routine. I really like the idea of simple black and white animation that shows the dance movement and despite it simplicity still looks interesting and effective. 

Great example of the animation were movement, body language, shapes and poses are taking big part in creating an amazing and unusual reflection of warrior dance. I really like how the body shapes changes to the geometric shapes and then back to the body shapes. Also I think the colour palette is selected perfectly.  

Example of great sensible figurative drawings 


Ballet dance videos - looking at the movement of the dancer 

Bird flying  - looking at the movement 


Life drawing exercise

Illustration exercise drawings


Illustrator process

Final animation